01 February 2006

Bus #???

Once again, I forgot to note the number. Suffice to say it was a 4100 bus - wish we'd get a 6000 every now and then. The driver was the same one who declared our stop a disco palace because of my relector/flasher. photo of reflectorIn honor of this, Dave named my device, Tony Manero, as in John Travolta's character in Saturday Night Fever. It seems fitting and, in honor of this honor, I scanned and posted Tony's picture. Handsome little devil, eh?

Hard to believe it's February 1. A couple of regulars but still no more than 6-8 of us total riders. What is up with the 6am bus? Hard to believe that many people moved or had schedule changes between fall and spring semester. Worse, there have been no "characters" to enjoy. A review of the archives and I long for riders like the woman on the cart and her shouting. Moments like those add interest and momentum to the ride - lately, if it wasn't for conversation with Dave, it would be an exercise in somnambulism. Just keep hoping as the sun rises earlier, the riders will come out from wherever they're hiding.

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