08 February 2006


First post this week - rode the bus on Monday, but got so involved with work I never got back to posting. Yesterday I overslept (by four hours!!!) and hitched a ride in with Jim. Allergy season has arrived and I'm in the adjustment phase - waiting for antihistamine med to reach maintenance levels - until then, my body really isn't my own. I know this is a bus blog, but feel compelled to explain a 4-hour oversleep. I never do that, never. I'm still amazed.

Today's ride was boring, boring, boring. No one gets on the bus any more. If I didn't like getting in early, I'd take a different bus just to see if something is happening later (or earlier, I suppose). I like the time and don't want to change, but egad is it boring. A total of six people were on the bus when we got off at ASU. The backseat newspaper guy was there (he's a real regular from fall semester) and there's a guy with a yellow hard hat who has been a recent regular. Since he's doing the hard hat thing, I'm going to guess his regularity will depend on where he's working. Once the current job is done, he'll disappear from our route. Maybe I should consider the 81 in the morning. It's a bigger market route, but not as convenient to get to the stop. Oh, these decisions are giving me a headache ... or is that allergy? Whatever.

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