16 February 2006


Not sure and don't feel like checking the archives, but I believe #4132 is the first bus ride posted on this blog. If not #1, it was in the first couple of posts. Should review and see how active that ride was since today was as quiet as it gets. Dave wasn't there and the driver asked again about my "sidekick"'s whereabouts. How quickly we create associations. The newspaper guy was on the bus and then, oddly, everyone else who got on was also regular or semi-regular. There were only six total by the time I got off, but everyone was a rider with a noticeable amount of repeat riding. Nice to see the stability, but wonder why the numbers are down? Back to wondering.

Last night's ride home was almost violent - physically violent, that is. The driver used his horn numerous times and behaved with a great deal of road rage-like activity. I don't know if there was a problem with the brakes, but he kept hitting them - hard. Lateral whiplash for those of us riding in the side-facing seats. There was a ton of traffic - unusually heavy for 6-6:30pm and that made the ride crawl. The weird thing was how bumpy the ride was for a pace that hardly ever got over 20mph. The driver did all he could to slam us around considering we never got anywhere near 45mph. Since it was taking so long, I decided to doodle and it was hilarious with all the bumps, hits and grinds trying to keep the pen on the paper. The picture attached to this post is a scan of my bus doodles. It's my attempt at visual thinking ala Communication Nation.

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