12 April 2006


Completely forgot to look at the number today. Was busy telling Dave and the driver about last night's ride and who thinks of bus numbers while regaling others with exciting stories?

Last night's bus ride started out very normal, a full bus but no one standing. I was in the back on the upper level, next to the door and there were two young men back there, too. At the stop just before Southern, a fellow got on the bus and engaged the driver in conversation. Couldn't hear what was going between them so didn't know if it was a problem or chat. The fellow was kind of scruffy and wearing one of those spongy ball caps turned at an angle. He wasn't quite a street person, but his scruff didn't have the look of a hard day's work, either. He continued to stand next to the driver and the discussion ensued. The driver stopped at the next stop to let off passengers and then continued south on Mill. About halfway down the next block, not at an "official" stop, the driver halted and opened the door. The driver said very loudly, "full fare or no transfer" - we all looked forward and the driver then yelled, "full fare or no transfer".

Suddenly, the fellow at the door reached over, grabbed some transfer tickets and ran off the bus. The driver undid his seat belt and ran after him; however, just as he got off the bus, it started to roll forward and the driver hopped back on, got in his seat and regained control. The guy who stole the transfers trotted alongside the bus, waving the tickets at the driver and flipping him off. It was an adrenaline moment and a half! I felt bad for the driver as the idiot guy got away with being a jerk and a thief and I'm sure the driver was frustrated. Thank goodness he gave up the chase and got back on the bus - might have had to put our best bus driving talents to the test. I could tell that both of the guys sitting in back with me had tensed up and were ready to assist if needed. I've been on buses where drivers made people get off for not paying, but never witnessed an almost physical confrontation and theft. No dull moments on that ride.

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