13 April 2006


New look for the blog today - wicked nice, huh? Decided to let my minimalist muse do her magic. There are about 12 templates to choose from for the blog and I took the least involved and made a few very minor changes to the CSS. One of these days, as time permits, I'll re-work it a bit more; but, for now, I think it's quite nice and relaxing. Who knows? Maybe it will win a Webby - ha!

The ride today was mellow city. I've been trying different seat locations and today moved closer to the back of the bus where the really-regular braintrust sits. Newspaper guy was nice, welcoming me closer to the elevated area. He thought my presence added and I feared it would detract. Maybe next week I'll go upper level. I couldn't find an exact floor plan of the Valley Metro 4100 class bus, but found a reasonable facsimile and made some adjustments to get it close. I indicated my regular seat with the red triangle and today's seat with the purple triangle. Newspaper guy's regular seat is so marked.

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