05 January 2006


Well long time, no blog. Over the holidays there were lots of days off and I drove other days - errands to run, places to go, etc. We're back in the regular routine now, so bus blogging should resume with some regularity. Both yesterday and today there was a scarcity of regulars. Not sure if it's post-holiday syndrome or school being out. Today had a few more riders, but none of the hubub from the past. I know school will add more riders, but a lot of the regulars aren't students. I guess they are now the irregulars ... One of the regulars, Steve the Mechanic, sat in a totally new place and actually shared his USA Today with another regular. They get on at the same stop and must have engaged in a relationships of sorts. Steve always sat on the front seat and read his paper. Today he came on and, even though a front seat spot was available, he went down the aisle and sat next to the other guy. It was kind of chummy and neat. The bus driver wasn't a regular and he spent the whole ride chatting with a newbie driver. He was on a serious ego trip, kept saying how he'd "been there awhile" and "knew all the ins and outs" - later said he'd been there for five years - that doesn't seem like "awhile" to me, but I guess that's a relative concept. He had that negative, union mentality, bashing the management and claiming you weren't safe as an employee if you didn't have union representation. Sounds like he's totally bought into some labor propaganda. Who IS the enemy? Oh well, she says and buries her head deeper in the sand.

A quick re-read and the beginning of this is full of the word "regular" - let's see what the dictionary has to say about that ... hmmmmm ... here's the #1 definition: Customary, usual, or normal. That seems to sum it up appropriately enough.

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