13 March 2006


A moderately interesting bus day. Started as I crossed Guadalupe and the dual motorcycle guys came by and beeped (honked? again with the description - must find the proper verbiage here...). Never thought there would be regular, identifiable traffic going to and from the bus stop. I know others have a schedule, just like me, but two motorcycle riders? Not bad, eh?

ASU is on spring break this week, so didn't expect a lot of riders - had the bus to myself until Hermosa, just past the 60, when a guy got on and when I looked up as he passed, I realized it was the guy from sports/great photograph discussion day. I knew he had a familiar look that day, but didn't expect to see him again so soon - a potential regular developing here? He went straight to the back (newspaper guy's seat) and last time he sat in the front. No patterns yet, so we'll have to see what time brings.

At Broadway, a guy came to the bus door and asked the driver if she could get him to the red line to the airport - I didn't hear her answer, but it must have been affirmative as he got on the bus. My drop off stop is a red line connector, so I knew he was OK. He seemed very agitated, almost sick. He had a slight cough and didn't sit completely on the seat. He didn't have any luggage, just a backpack. He did not look like an airplane traveler - more like a hitchhiker. Could be a very interesting story there. Just before my stop, the lady bus voice announced the stop and said "transfers to Rte 65 and Red Line." The bus was stopped, I was up to go out the door and the guy stood up, blocked my way and asked the driver if this was where he got the Red Line. She wouldn't answer him and I don't know why. She just sat there and he asked again - I said yes, then pushed past him to go out the door. Not sure if he believed me as it took a while for the bus to travel on. Unusual dynamics in that exchange and I can't figure out why. Oh well, makes for something to write about in the bus blog. Picture today is a composite of motorcycle day, photograph day and good old route 66.

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