28 March 2006


Been a long time gone - didn't ride on Friday or yesterday, toss the weekend in the middle and it seems like forever. It's getting lighter and warmer at the bus stop - spring (or Arizona's version of it) is here. Orange blossoms are out and the aroma drifts in and out of the air. The jacaranda trees are flush with purple flowers, really very beautiful. I doubt if the desert will have a bountiful display this year. No rain for 144 days makes wildflowers unhappy. Wait a minute, I thought this was a bus blog - what's up with all the weather and flower talk? Enough already.

Ridership was slight today, but two regulars from the fall were on and it made me nostalgic. I looked up synonyms for "regular" and there are quite a few: uniform, even, consistent, constant, unchanging, unvarying, fixed, rhythmic, steady, even, frequent, repeated, continual, recurrent, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum. Whew! what a collection of like terms. Wonder why I keep coming back to regular? I like frequent - maybe we could have a frequent riders club and get mileage points? It works for the airlines - a month bus pass for every 10,000 bus miles? Not sure how you'd calculate it - have to brainstorm and report back. I think it has possibilities. Light day, light blogging. I made an image today in honor of being regular - like the sunrise and sunset, you can count on regular riders.

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