09 May 2006

#41???? and #4144

Two, read 'em, two bus numbers and, folks, that's no lie. Today could be the greatest and dumbest as in (duh..mbest) bus day ever! I haven't laughed so hard in a long time and never felt so dumb, either. The story...

Dave and I were at the stop, per usual, waiting for the 6AM #66. We got into a discussion about my dishwasher (broken, no water?) and the bus arrived. We got on and it wasn't the regular driver and newspaper guy wasn't there. Odd, but not impossible. The driver apologized for being late - said he was fussing with the sign or something. Odd again since he really wasn't late. Things were unusual but no real alarms. We continued the chat about the dishwasher as the bus continued down Guadalupe. The bell rang and I knew the other passenger was getting off - I made a mental note that he must be leaving us at the Rural stop, just north of Guadalupe. Dave and I were still talking when I noticed the bus didn't turn right on Rural, but continued across, going west on Guadalupe. I thought the driver missed the turn and wondered what the problem was. He came to a stop for the other passenger when I suddenly realized we might not be on the 66 after all. I quickly asked the driver what bus this was and he told us it was the 92. I squawked and, like a flock of chickens with a fox in the hen house, Dave and I bailed off the bus. We started laughing - it took several seconds to recover enough to get our bearings. We then hotfooted it back up Guadalupe, crossed Rural and were smiling and waiting when #66 pulled round the corner. We were still laughing hysterically when we got on and the driver and newspaper guy (hey, Bill!) looked at us like we were crazy. We explained the situation, but I fear they think we're just this side of totally nuts.

In our defense, I don't believe the sign was lit and, given the arrival time, we had no reason to believe it wasn't the 66. I'm still laughing thinking about it. The image of us diving off the 92 is still fresh and cracks me up every time I dwell on it. We could have stayed on the 92 as it actually ends up where we get off. It just takes a circuitous route that goes through Arizona Mills mall and takes quite a bit longer to get to ASU. It was so funny, I just can't tell you.

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