02 November 2005


I know this is a repeat bus. Almost all the 4100 class buses look the same - difference just seems to be amount of wear and tear to the individual craft. I think the 66 route has a ridership that's not too hard on the vehicles. I've ridden some on the 81 that are seriously worn down - flattened seats, no padding, lots of general scuffing. The 66 buses never seem to have the abused quality that I've found on some of the 81s. The 66 just caters to a kinder, gentler ridership.

Today's kind and gentle ride was just that - uneventful and polite. Many regulars and a whole slew of new riders. Wish I was a bus researcher and could ask lots of pertinent questions. There are so many stories behind the stories - be nice to get into a few of them.

Noticed everyone is wearing coats in the morning - gonna be 90 degrees this afternoon, but it was cold at the bus stop. Must have been around 50 and that's freezing to acclimatized Arizona blood. Half the stuff I carry is clothing - overalls for painting class, light shoes for heat, coat for coolness, long sleeve shirt for over-the-top air conditioning. It's difficult staying comfortable in Az even when it's the nice time of year. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times -- they can get people to the moon and back, but have no idea how to regulate an HVAC system. Our brightest and best aren't working on basic life comforts, apparently.

Not much of a bus blog, today - not much of a bus ride.

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