26 September 2005

and ....... #4136 - again

This vehicle does appear often on this route - gotta see if I can find out how they decide which bus goes where. Size of bus and number of passengers on the route certainly determine if you get either the small, standard bus or the big, whopping accordion doubles. Can just imagine what stories come off those craft - whew! So many passengers, so many tales.

Today the regular driver wasn't there - I think Monday must be a regular day off for him. Quite a few people on when I boarded and it smelled like the day after an all-night poker extravaganza, replete with cigars, cigarettes and brew - whew! Not sure where that came from - maybe the replacement driver - whatever, it was nasty. I've been on 4136 a lot recently and it doesn't regularly smell like that - must have had a difficult weekend.

Conversation in the back of the bus centered mostly on the continuing miserable performance of the Arizona Cardinals - saddest act in the NFL. The guy sitting next to me (formerly known as the "flu guy" in a previous post) suddenly joined the conversation. He blamed all the Cardinal woes on owner Bill Bidwell and he used an astonishingly high decibel level to make this pronouncement. I don't believe anyone in the back would have disagreed, but he approached the topic aggressively and loudly and effectively shut down the conversation. Not sure if he felt he had to yell to be heard or just felt so strongly about the issue. It is just football, after all. I love football, but that was way too much adrenaline and blood pressure for an early Monday morning bus ride. Sadly, the conversation in back turned to concrete pipe and casting - kind of a snooze after the football discussion. Kind of wish the guy still had the flu....

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