29 September 2005


Whew! another new bus today. I need to develop a little chart that rides along the blog to keep track of all these buses. Since it's grown to archival quantity, no easy task to see if we're riding a repeater.

Today was our regular driver, back in full form. I had my screens and that always elicits comments from him. I don't sit in the very front seat near him as they are quite high and my feet don't touch the floor - makes me feel like a wobbly Weeble in that seat, so I end up in the middle of the bus. At the beginning of the ride, when he talks and asks questions about my art stuff, it's just fine. But today, the bus kept filling and he kept talking and asking. In the past, he's stopped after we had a buffer of people between us, but today he just kept asking questions. I felt like I was giving a class on screen print and design, almost yelling across a crowded room kind of thing. I guess the bus is his daily world and for me it's just a moment of time in the whole day. He's very comfortable announcing and talking in front of strangers, but I'm not so comfortable. I can't not be polite, however, and end up answering his questions. I don't really mind and appreciate his interest, but I miss not being able to have my mental bus talk turned on. I have to concentrate on our conversation and can't be observing and thinking as well. Didn't realize how much it means until I really didn't have it today.

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