17 October 2006

Bedside blogging

Developed a cold with flu-like symptoms or, the flu with cold-like symptoms, and have stayed bedside these past two workdays. Decided to write a bedblog as being home ill is a drag. I won't go to work tomorrow and the way I feel right now, Thursday's not looking much better. The worst thing is the cough. Hacking, chest heaving, gut wrenching coughing. It's hideous!!! I went to the pharmacy for a supply of meds and discovered they no longer put dextromethorphan into cough drops. That's the stuff that really holds the cough at bay, but I guess the teen set were consuming copious quantities of drops and getting "high". Seems like an alleged high to me - I've never gotten a buzz from cough drops, just relief. I'm eating vitamin C, drinking orange juice and water and sucking on zinc-based, get-well quick drops. I guess I'm better than yesterday and hopefully not as good as tomorrow.

The worst thing about illness is daytime TV. Thank god for BBC - I'm entertained by their daily lineup and only wish I had my friends from Ohio around to laugh about "Are You Being Served?" Three of us used to watch that on the local PBS station and enjoyed recounting the episodes. I wonder if they've ever seen "Keeping up Appearances" ... I know they'd love Onslow.

Oh well, I get this every couple of years - I think my antibodies get low and need a booster, so I get sick, build up the antis and stay well for another couple of years. At least it's early this year and won't interfere with holiday food consumption. One has to consider the up and downside of every scenario. Hope to be back with a bus blog in a few days.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're unwell...wise to stay home and not commit biological warfare on the bus.

Know what you mean about some modern drugs being emasculated - best thing for a stomach upset (polite term) in the UK was a mixture called "Kaolin & Morphine" - you'd probably need to swallow dozens of bottles to self harm or get a high but sadly it has gone - the replacements ain't so friendly and nowhere near as quick acting! (Did you really want to know this? ho hum....).Loads of similar examples - guess if a thing's too effective they can't make enough money out of it (cynic, who me?).

Anyway get well soon...personally I'd take a hot toddy or two to bed (NB That's a heated glass of sweeteed liquor in case the right pond English doesn't travel too well!)


Anonymous said...

blast...meant to type "sweetened"

Anonymous said...

Hi M (what's it like being an M...wouldn't it be nicer being a Maggie, a Michelle or even a Montague (sans Capulet)...sad to hear you're not quite with us...

Hope you get well soon...love your journey logs...