16 March 2009

Feet are made for walking

MFebber here, still using public transport, just not writing recently. Between work angst, family moves and spring allergies, blogging took a back seat. Most of all, the route/schedule changes from the light rail opening had me trying different transport combos to see what fit best. The irregular schedule and change kept me off-balance and messed with the writing rhythm. Settled down to regular 66 riding, so hopefully regular writing returns, too.

Two young high school aged girls preceded my arrival at the stop this morning. They danced around, talking and laughing in that inimitable loud, screaming teen fashion - an amazing display of energy so early in the morning. The bus arrived, everyone boarded and I wondered at the two girls' destination - Marcos de Niza High School, one-half mile west on Guadalupe; or, Tempe Union High School, about 5 miles distant at Mill and Broadway. After we passed the next stop, they rang the bell and departed at Marcos de Niza.

Not to complain, but why didn't they walk the rest of the way to school? They made it to the bus stop from somewhere and only needed to perambulate one more half-mile - 2,640 feet, 880 yards, twice around the track! Laughing and talking, they would have been oblivious to the passage of time and distance. Sadly, kids today don't seem to consider foot travel as transportation. They did take the bus, which beats door-to-door in a car, but such a beautiful morning, 60 degrees, sunshine - and they waited and rode the bus for a half mile. Saving their feet for dancing, I suppose.


cogidubnus said...

Welcome back!

Ken said...

I notice this in my town. In some places, there are bus stops less than 200 feet apart! Sometimes the bus will stop for one (able-bodied) person at one stop, then ride along smoothly for a few seconds and pick up another (able-bodied) person. Ridiculous!