14 July 2008

Tap - The Conclusion

When last I wrote, I hoped to resolve the tap issue on the bus ride home. An epidemic of farebox flu must have swept the fleet as the farebox orifices were covered with duct tape. Leaving for Georgia the next day, my research went on hold until this morning.

Took the 7:57AM 81N today and when I got on the bus, I "tapped" the flat side of my pass against the orange reader and, as expected, nothing happened. I then put it flat against the reader and held it for a count of 3. The green light went yellow, 1, 2, 3, then went back to green and the all clear sounded. I feel vindicated - absolutely no tapping occurred. The reader required a full scale laying on of the card to assess and accept my pass.

Thus ends my whine about the instructions printed on the back of my bus pass. Oh well, with summer heat, a paucity of riders, even lighter traffic, I needed something, buswise, over which to grind my mind.

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