30 May 2008


What a nice bus ride, today. Took the 7:57am 81N and claimed title to first passenger. I got the right front seat, propped my feet on the tire well and began knitting. At Baseline and McClintock, a young man got on - rookie rider. He only had a $5 bill and, of course, the fare boxes don't give change. He wanted an all day pass, so the driver told him to get change and buy the pass on the next bus - nice driver! Some won't let people on without the correct change, but the 7:57 guy always finds empathy. A half block later, a regular guy got on and took the left front seat, propped his feet on the tire well and began reading a book. At Southern and McClintock, a man and young woman got on the bus, sat down and the rookie rider started talking. He asked about bagel shops along the route, looking for an Einstein's. We all chipped in with information and returned to our relaxation. At Apache and McClintock a regular lady rider got on and that was the full complement for the rest of the ride. It was so congenial and pleasant - no loud cell phone conversations, no questionable aromas - just a nice, comfortable ride. What's not to like about public transportation?

As a side note: I walked to the stop and the gas price sign showed 3.87/gal. I walked past the sign, got to the bus shelter and when I turned around and looked, the girl from the gas station just finished changing the price to 3.91/gal -- a 4-cent increase in 30 seconds! Sure glad I have my bus pass.


cogidubnus said...

"As a side note: I walked to the stop and the gas price sign showed 3.87/gal."

I'm afraid it's over twice that right pond!

Unknown said...

I'm sure you must wonder what the left pond is fussing about! I actually love it - hope this spurs bus use and expands service. Our "one person - one car" culture is ridiculous and only drastic measures will change it.

cogidubnus said...

I'm alarmed...I've just done the sums...current price over here for "super" (at a minimum of £1.23 per litre and a maximum of £1.35 per litre) works out at current exchange rates at between $11.09 and $12.15 per UK gallon...converted to US gallons (divide by 1.2) this is between $9.24 and $10.12 per US gallon...Jeez!