10 January 2007


Nice day on the bus. The BTA was full of regulars: NG, Dave, BG and one of the Steves. I realized we had the "Back Seat Boys" plus me - could shorten it to the BS Boys, although in all fairness, not too much BS flows in the BTA.

It was a nice ride with commentary shared on eye surgery, health care, overzealous lawyers and our litigious society, the hideous BCS game, the Phoenix Suns winning ways, the Godfather II and Robert DeNiro, libraries that might carry Godfather II, and possible illegal downloading of movies. We had a nice discussion about making coffee and donuts available on the bus. Options included taking turns bringing the coffee/donuts or installing vending machines on the buses with coffee and donuts for purchase. Bus attendants to serve coffee and donuts was also suggested, but we determined that bus fares would increase to pay the attendants, so we returned to the vending machine plan. Can you imagine the poor drivers if they installed vending machines on the buses? As if they don't have enough to deal with - I can hear the requests to make change, complaints about the food and drink, the spills, the smell. Bad, bad, bad idea.

A nice bus ride.


Anonymous said...

Yay sis the bus industry is historically well loaded with BS, which the last 20 years (in the UK at least) have helped reduce...(I'm a professional busman of over 25 years experience).

It's great the arcane subjects which are so seriously discussed on buses...I've got really great contacts among local politicians, traders, trade union reps and many others, purely because over the past twenty years or so, I've travelled into work on the same few buses on the same bus route, more or less every day, chatting to these very people...

Anonymous said...

here are you M - I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms...

Anonymous said...

That opening letter was W - "Where"